Historical heritages of Ethiopia

There are many historical heritages around the country. even though some of those are not recorded by UNESCO

but there are 10  heritages of the country recorded by this organization.from those we preview you there lists and images below for more detail.and also you can get the information  about that heritage below on  the picture please enjoy it it is really fascinating and amazing to live and see habesha nations of the eastern Africa.


Ethiopia has 10 universally important heritages which are registered as World Heritage sites by UNESCO:
  • Hits: . The Stelae of Axum. …
  • Te Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela.h …
  • The Walled City of Harrar. …
  • The Semien Mountains National Park. …
  • Lower Omo Valley. …
  • Gondar. …
  • Konso Cultural Landscape. …
  • Lower Awash
  • the ephaphany holiday

                           1.stelae of Axum

axum cmyk

Axum /Aksum/ is the cradle of Ethiopian ancient civilization .It is an exotic tourist destination that offers a unique combination of beguiling history, natural beauty, perfect weather, screen environment and matchless hospitality .exist in tigray region.

    2.Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela


According to many travelers and travel writers, the Rock -Hewn churches of Lalibela,   are one of the eighth wonder of the world. It is a collection of Orthodox Christian Churches carved out of monolithic rocs.

           3.The Walled City of Harrar

the harrar get

The city of Harrar, one of the oldest cities in the country, was founded in the 7th century A.D Harrar was a major trading crossroad and a center of Islamic learning. Fortified against invaders, its provocative five gate wall (Jugol) was built between the 13th and 16th centuries.

4.The Semien Mountains National Park.

ras dejen

Established in 1969 and made a UNESCO World Heritage Site nine years later , the 220km sq Semein Mountains National Park protects the western part of the eponymous mountain range , a serious of incised plateau characterized by sheer 1,000m-high cliffs and rugged pinnacles and buttresses.

  5.Lower Omo Valley

the omo valley paleoanthropological site

The Lower Valley of Omo is located in South-Western Ethiopia. The age old sedimentary deposits in the Lower Omo Valley are now world renowned for the discovery of many hominid fossils, that have been of fundamental importance in the study of human evolution.

 6. Castle of Gondar


Gondar ,the 17th century capital of Ethiopia , is located about 748 km North Western of Addis Ababa .The city is well known for its Castles and churches .Its medieval glory is reflected in the famous castles of the emperors of the time, especially that of Emperor Fasiledas.

                     7. Konso Cultural Landscap